With just one week left until the launch of my debut book, it’s my great pleasure to unveil the trailer for The Butchering Art.
A great deal of love, thought and care has gone into the many weeks of its production. As someone who relishes the visual elements of the past, I wanted to see how the sights and sounds of grimy, grisly Victorian surgery would translate onto screen. So, I set out with filmmaker Alex Anstey of Light Arcade Productions to create a short film that thrusts the viewer straight into the brutal action of the era’s operating theaters, in which survival depended as much upon chance as upon the skills of the butcher wielding the blade.
Alex is truly a craftsman of story in film form and has a painter’s eye for detail and light. He used three locations—a small film studio, the Old Operating Theatre in the heart of London, and a Westminster street in the dead of night—to help bring to life a bloody amputation of the era.
We hope you enjoy the trailer, and that it will give you all a feel of what I have tried to achieve on the page. Please share it widely on social media! And don’t forget you can pre-order the book ahead of its launch on October 17th.